Gibberations by Kiffin Gish...
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917 entries
Sunday / November 4th / 2001
Where all of us came from...

Where we came from...
We are all made up of the same primordial stuff, heavenly elements forged billions of years ago deep in the heart of the boiling cauldrons called stars. We are nothing more and nothing less than Stardust. So what is the sun made up of? The following: Hydrogen (73.4%), Helium (25.0%), Carbon (0.20%), Nitrogen (0.09%), Oxygen (0.8%), Neon (0.16%), Magnesium (0.06%), Silicon (0.09%), Sulfur (0.05%), Iron (0.14%).

~ Posted at 12:03 PM | Nature and universe
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"It is through the world and ultimately through you that the Unmanifested knows itself. You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold..."  - - Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now.
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Most visited
Here are the top twenty visited entries in this blog: (1921) Mangled mess
(948) Crackedty-crack
(631) Maslov's pyramid
(622) Maslow's hierarchy of needs
(614) Don't sneeze
(604) Where all of us came from
(543) Telepathic messages
(434) Growing a beard can be hazardous to your health
(388) Fish tycoon
(317) Get me on your pda
(292) Bush and Saddam
(255) Cold sweat
(156) Squeaky clean windows
(150) Top referers
(144) Queen's birthday
(124) How people find me
(117) Vibrating washing machine
(105) A beautiful armpit
(100) Top phrases
(85) Trains collide

Top Googles
Here are the top 20 Google searches bringing folks to my blog:
(763) maslov
(628) how to clean windows
(578) maslov pyramid
(543) growing a beard
(455) fish tycoon crack
(407) fish tycoon registration code
(397) maslow's pyramid
(335) how to grow a beard
(329) maslov hierarchy of needs
(313) maslov hierarchy
(303) phineas gage
(285) javascript sleep
(248) maslov's pyramid
(205) maslow pyramid
(202) fish tycoon
(198) link:btrx-_qryr4j...
(148) maslov's hierarchy of needs
(144) maslows hierachy of needs
(125) clean windows
(122) boys in bikinis
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Top referers
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(46) Weblog Review
(18) nutrition-sports-...
(9) Splog
(3) MovableType
(2) Ageless
(2) Blogdex

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Blogs I reviewed
For awhile now as official weblog pseudo-analyst on the weblog review, I have written a number of reviews about the following sites:

big picnic | untamed | my november | neurosis | runnerblog | this is what orgasms look like | hustlebox | becoming | journal life | mark's weblog | macaroni | syaffolee | alt164 | cheese | people's republic of seabrook | isabella's teddy's travels | random rationale | after horizon | 168 | fuh-q dot com | twisted soul | drifting castles | one moment | neal curley dot com | reality rendered | most definitely

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